Alan's movie ratings
I use the Internet Movie Database to record my movie ratings.
The only ratings it allows are whole numbers from 1 to 10.
When I start watching a movie, I give it a 7.
As it goes by, things that make it better than average can push the rating up,
and bad things can pull it down.
Most of my ratings end up at 7.
Here is how I think of what my ratings mean:
- 10: No room for improvement that I could see.
- 9: Transports you to another time or place. You'll forget you're watching a movie.
- 8: Good enough to see again the next day. Still thinking about it the next day. Usually has a little something special.
- 7: A reasonably enjoyable movie. Nothing sticks out to pull it up or drag it down.
- 6: Pleasant enough but occasionally slow, boring, or with filmmaking flaws (plot or others) big enough to be distracting.
- 5: Better than a nap. I never found myself sitting in the theater thinking, "I could have been home, napping."
The rest are walk-out territory:
- 4: Not much to recommend it, but stayed, hoping it would get better.
- 3: A one-joke movie (where the joke isn't funny), or otherwise just bad, but against my better judgment I stayed, hoping something better might happen.
- 2: So bad it made me angry. May actually have walked out or turned off the TV.
- 1: Saved for movies that are probably so bad I won't even start watching them.
You can see my ratings at